Hula - a Hell'ava Girl
Captain Jack will get you high…
On endorphins,
Endorphins and dolphins,
Dolphins and divin'…
Just a little push and you'll be smilin'
The boat:
Hula Girl was the boat to be on since its snorkeling tour didn’t start at some ungodly hour like the others (9am-2:30pm was just our speed.) A toned and tanned Captain Jack greeted us on the beach in front of Hula Girl, a 65 foot, garnet red beauty whose namesake swerved her nearly virgin hips on the sail. Not only was she seaworthy, but she was food-worthy, bringing high end dining to the high seas.

Hula held around 50, but there were only 11 of us, so it was easy to see the Girl as mine. Especially since I could sprawl out and sun myself on taunt nets, comfy with cushions, dozing until we were approached by a group of dolphins. They flipped and preened for our attention like a dog looking for a scratch behind the ears- if only I could reach!
The snorkeling: The welcome distraction had us arriving at our destination all the quicker. We settled in the cutout cove of Honolua Bay Marine Preserve, nature’s design for prime snorkeling (and diving for a few brave souls.) A “sea turtle car wash” was nearby, a regular spot where fish picked turtles clean of debris, but we couldn’t find it. That was ok. We were filled to the gills with sea-life sightings, but our stomachs were empty after all that swimming. The next fish I wanted to see was on my plate.
The food: Chef Noel’s name couldn’t have been more appropriate because his food tasted like Christmas. We feasted on some of the thickest and tastiest ahi on (well, technically off) the island for only $13. Blackening spices brought some heat to this Hulk-sized sandwich and only accentuated the ahi’s bright flavor. Throw in some salty chips and a few bottles of Longboard Ale = Heaven.

And everyone knows that there’s plenty of napping in Heaven, so afterwards it was back to the nets for 40 winks. Filled with the contentment of a practically private charter (gourmet chef included), swimming with the fishes and playing with Flipper, my ears flooded with the white noise of billowing sails and tuned out the real world for just a little longer.
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