Double Scotch and water
The Penn and Teller of the seafaring world, Tonyy* (yes, with two y’s) and Turk led our sunset sail out of Lahaina for a two hour excursion. Turk mutely twirled the wheel as Tonyy entertained us with tales from his youth as a fisherman up in Alaska and the crazy antics that followed in Vegas once he got paid, all the while making sure the champagne and beer were always flowing (booze included – yay!)
The Scotch Mist II held about 25 and there were only six of us, so it was like having a private charter, giving Bubba the opportunity to raise the sail and me a chance to steer the boat after an affirmative nod from Turk.

We listened to the hilarity that was Tonyy then made our way to the bow for a little alone time. We leaned into each other - salty, barefoot, fuzzy-headed – as the tangible definition of “honeymoon” wrapped around our shoulders...just another day in paradise.

*Tonyy was a highlight to our trip, not only in personality, but as a valuable resource for restaurant recommendations. Always listen to the locals.
Lauren: Great job on the blog! Hey, I wanted to ask about Life Is Fare. Any chance you could email me? Would love to know the progress of your actual LIF website.
Meanwhile, keep up the interesting posts. You're making me jealous!
Thanks for the feedback Steve. Yeah, Maui is pretty amazing - all the pics make me wish I was back there too! I'll be happy to email you and thanks for reading :)
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